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County Seat Animal Hospital
We only see patients till noon so we can focus on our surgeries in the afternoon
Prices  For  Common  Procedures
Declaw Only (Laser) - $225
Declaw (laser) / Spay - $375
Declaw (laser) / Neuter $$300
Spay Cat = $200-
Neuter Cat = $80
Ultrasound Full Abdomen = $300
Echocardiogram = $300
Digital X-Rays = $150
Spay Dog (Regardless of size up to 100lbs) = $400
Spay Dog (Over 100lbs) = $500
Neuter Dog = $300
Dentistry = $400
TTA Knee Surgery = $1900
Luxating Patella Repair = $1200
Surgical Plating of Fracture = $900 - $2000
Surgical Prices Include :
* Surgical Bloodwork * Pre-Surgical Exam * Gas Anesthesia * The Surgery Itself * Anesthetic Monitoring with EKG and A Dedicated Person to Monitor The Patient (we don't rely on machines only !) * Hospitalization *Pain Control When Indicated * Sterile Pack Fees* Waste Disposal Fees* Environmental Fees*
(Dentistry Price includes Cleaning / Extractions of loose teeth / Dental X-Rays if indicated)
Be very careful when comparing prices elsewhere. Make sure you get the price for
everything listed above. These prices include EVERYTHING listed above.
Ask if Laser is included. Ask if Blood work is included. Ask if Pain Meds are included. We think you will find we are very reasonable.
All of these things listed above are included. Dr. Pattberg recalls...." When I had all my surgeries... my doctor didn't ask me if I wanted pre-op blood work (for example) ... He knew it was best to do it, and just did it." You will not be forced to make medical decisions or "refuse" any of the above because of cost... which only makes you feel bad. This is a stressful time for you since your pet is undergoing anesthesia.
Question / Answer
Q. Why do you disclose prices?
A. Not very many veterinary hospitals list their prices. We fully disclose prices for your trust. We know what it is like to go somewhere and be SHOCKED by the price. We believe that being a good steward of your money is biblical, and that knowing prices before purchases is included in that. We never "up-sell" anything. Never have, and never will. That's just how it is.
Q. Why are a few of your Surgery Prices Higher than Elsewhere?
A. When comparing prices, make sure you are getting quoted for EVERYTHING listed above. We believe we are competitively priced and that you will agree once you get a comparable quote. We have calculated our pricing based on what it costs us to provide the quality care that we demand, and that you deserve.
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